Another morning of tropo from Victoria. This time including a couple of Melbourne stations. This is the first time I have logged Melbourne. Identified via their live web stream, as they were quite weak. Bendigo was the best heard this morning.
89.5 3PNN Bendigo
91.1 3ABCRR Bendigo
91.5 3PTV Melbourne
92.3 3ZZZ Melbourne
93.5 3BBO Bendigo
94.5 3JJJ Goulburn Valley
95.3 3SRR Shepparton
96.1 3ABCFM Goulburn Valley
96.9 3SUN Shepparton
97.7 3GVR Goulburn Valley
101.1 3JJJ Mildura
Mount Dundas frequencies also in again, but weak this time.
UnID: 89.9, 90.7 and 107.5. I suspect these may have also been Melbourne.
Congratulations on adding Melbourne to your 'grid squares worked'!