Monday, March 19, 2012

Computer trouble

At the moment I am having computer problems.  Indeed, I am actually on a back-up PC (my last one), which is slow and cumbersome compared to the newer one.  Here's the problem: It is acting like the Hard drive is not there and therefore can't load up. I get this (or something along the lines of):
Verifying DMI pool data..........

At this point, I should point out I have had this problem before and have, up to now, always been able to get things working.  Mind you, last time it took a week.  Anyway, eventually, when things do start to work, I would get the following message after a restart (or a lot of restarts)::

Error loading operating system.

At this point I am ready to jump for joy, as it means I can restart once more and the whole thing will load up normally like nothing was wrong - so I don't think there is physically anything wrong with the hard drive.  Thankfully everything is backed up on my external hard drive, sans a couple of songs I bought on iTunes.

Any suggestions / hints?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Surpise SpE

Was starting to think about heading to bed, so at around 11.30pm local time, I turned on the radio to check for any Tropo.  To my surprise, I was getting E's from Queensland.  However, I did not log many - it would appear I caught the tail-end of the opening.

90.7 4CSB Wondai
91.5 4GCR Gympie
96.1 4NNN Gympie
98.5 4ABCFM Wide Bay
99.3 4JJJ Wide Bay
100.1 4ABCRR Wide Bay
also 94.1, which I did not ID.

This is the latest at night I have logged E's, as well as being the first time getting them in March.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Latest news

Well actually there isn't much to report, lol.   This morning saw Bendigo at fair levels, except 89.5 which was weak.  Weak Western Victoria, Mildura and Pt. Lincoln were also about.  Also heard something on 94.7, but it was too weak to ID.

What is interesting is the current forecast maps from William Hepburn, which suggest a good possibility of long-haul Tropo to South West W.A. later in the week.  Will be interesting to see how it pans out.

Update: At approx. 10.52am CDT, I heard a very brief, fleeting burst from SW Slopes/E. Riverina on 88.3 and 89.9